Maimonides Medical Center received $17 million federal allocation to respond to COVID-19


(本報訊記者趙廣智/Matt.K-CChao)全美新冠肺炎疫情嚴峻,鄰近布碌崙(布魯克林)8大道華社的瑪摩尼醫院(Maimonides Medical Center),宣布已經通過聯邦緊急事務管理署(FEMA),獲得超過1700萬元資金,將用於應對疫情的急救與控制,並配合紐約市各大醫院做好準備,迎接第二波新冠肺炎疫情。

  The outbreak of COVID-19 in the United States is severe. The Maimonides Medical Center near the 8th Avenue Chinese Society in Brooklyn announced that it has received more than $17 million in funding through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In response to the first aid and control of the epidemic, and cooperate with major hospitals in New York City to prepare for the second wave of COVID-19 epidemic.

  該筆資金根據「Robert T. Stafford」法案《斯塔福德法》發放,《斯塔福德法》全稱為《斯塔福德災難與緊急援助法》(Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act),在1988年通過,屬於美國聯邦法例,用以在面臨重大災難時,從聯邦政府層面有系統地向州和地方政府提供應對災難的援助,包括調動聯邦基金。聯邦援助行動將會由聯邦緊急事務管理署負責,可動用28個聯邦機構和美國紅十字會等非政府組織,協助應對災難。該法案允許聯邦機構,在應對對生命與財產,造成直接威脅的重大災難時,提供援助。

  The funds were issued under the “Robert T. Stafford” Act. The full name of Robert T. Stafford Act is “Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act”. Passed in 1988, it is a federal law of the United States to systematically provide disaster relief assistance to state and local governments from the federal government level in the face of major disasters, including the mobilization of federal funds. Federal assistance operations will be under the responsibility of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which can use 28 federal agencies and non-governmental organizations such as the American Red Cross to assist in the disaster. The bill allows federal agencies to provide assistance in response to major disasters that pose a direct threat to life and property.

  紐約州聯邦參議員舒默(Chuck Schumer)和陸天娜(Kirsten Gillibrand)共同宣布了該消息,舒默說「我很榮幸,能在這個關鍵時刻,提供這些聯邦資金,用來幫助這些醫院和醫護人員加強防疫,在我們努力實現全面開放過程中,必須繼續支持當地醫院和保健中心。」

  New York State Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand jointly announced the news. Schumer said, “I am honored to be able to provide these federal funds at this critical moment to help these hospitals and medical staff strengthen epidemic prevention. As we strive to achieve full opening up, we must continue to support local hospitals and health centers.”

  瑪摩尼醫院日前已收治不少新冠肺炎患者,整院經歷人手和資源調動,專治新冠患者,並在州府和市府的合作下,陸續收治更多的新冠患者;瑪摩尼醫院在紐約市上半年疫情抗擊中遭遇重創,面對所在波羅園社區疫情又一次侵襲,該院宣佈獲得1767萬5813.99美元聯邦撥款,這些經費用於應對新冠肺炎帶來的挑戰;包括員工加班費、增加臨床人員服務、滿足新冠肺炎患者需求,以及檢查費用,此外還會為增加醫院容量,而購買額外的醫療用品、設備,支付醫院清潔與個人防護設備的費用。醫院總裁吉布斯(Kenneth Gibbs)表示「每一個成功的(新冠患者出院),結果都是前線人員提供出色服務的最佳證明」,接下來也將繼續提供高品質服務,攜手與社區度過新冠肺炎疫情。

  The Maimonides Medical Center has recently admitted many patients with COVID-19. The entire hospital has experienced manpower and resource mobilization to treat patients with COVID-19, and with the cooperation of the state and city governments, it has successively admitted more patients with COVID-19. In the first half of this year, the Maimonides Medical Center suffered heavy losses in the fight against the epidemic in New York City. In the face of another outbreak in the Boluoyuan community, the hospital announced that it had received a federal grant of 17, 660, 000, 5813.99 USD. These funds were used to cope with the challenges brought by the COVID-19; including overtime pay, Increasing clinical staff services, meeting the needs of patients with COVID-19, and inspection costs, in addition to increasing the capacity of the hospital, and purchasing additional medical supplies and equipment, and paying for the cleaning and personal protective equipment of the hospital. Maimonides Medical Center President Kenneth Gibbs said that “every successful (COVID-19 patient discharge) results are the best proof of the excellent service provided by front-line staff” and that high-quality services would continue to be provided to work with the community through the COVID-19 outbreak.


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